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19 Memes About Breast Cancer That Will Make You LOL

The day-to-day life of someone living with breast cancer can be stressful, scary and painful. In the tough moments, the last thing you might feel capable of doing is laughing. Hey, you’re fighting for your life — what’s funny about that?! But it’s also true that in difficult times, finding ways to laugh at the bizarre, frustrating, ridiculous situations you find yourself in can also help you feel just a little bit lighter, even if only for a minute. People who haven’t experienced cancer might not quite understand this type of so-called “gallows humor,” but that’s OK. Your fellow cancer community is here to laugh right along with you.

Below are 19 memes about life with breast cancer that may tickle your funny bone. At the very least, hopefully, these memes make it clear that you’re not alone in your fight. There are so many people in your corner, who totally understand the side effects, worries, and wins you’re experiencing.


when your post chemo hair game is strong but someone says he liked your long hair better, photos of woman angry smiling
via Instagram


meme of girl explaining to mom on the couch: someone telling me im lucky because a mastectomy means free boob job
via Instagram


image of man sleeping and image of 130 missed calls on phone screen, text kelly when you need anything
via Instagram


woman yelling at cat, you weren't supposed to betray me. cat is labeled my cancerous breasts
via @wintersgiftnonprofit Instagram


gru showing posterboard saying insurance doesn't cover preventative surgery for discoveries scientists made
via @wintersgiftnonprofit Instagram


when patients ask if radiation is bad for you, dancing shrugging zac efron
via @radiologyqueen Instagram


brace yourselves, bright pink everything is coming
via Headcovers


1 in 8 women get breast cancer, my boobs volunteer as tribute. picture of katniss
via Kappit


nurse: don't worry the needle won't hurt. me: image of statue screaming
via @lymphomg Instagram


i don't like sand Star Wars image, caption Life without eyelashes
via @lymphomg Instagram


types of headaches, migraine, hypertension, stress, week of your PET scan
via @kate_burns_chad Instagram


when you go to the cancer center so much you're on a nickname basis with staff. photo of women in an office saying hey girl
via @thecancerpatient Instagram


cancer muggle: are you supposed to eat that? sugar feeds cancer cells. image of dog eating ice cream cone
via @thecancerpatient Instagram


me coming out of my oncologists appointment with good news and finding it suspicious af. image of spongebob
via @thecancerpatient Instagram


spiderman pointing at his double. not eating because of nausea, nausea because of not eating
via @cancer_hum0r Instagram


foxes storming into house. caption the cancer over there


how i feel on tamoxifen. image of orangutan
via @canceratthirty Instagram


care bear sending hearts. me determined to give my caregivers the love they deserve
via Instagram


mainting of woman punching mythical creature. caption: fighting breast cancer like
via @hippiechic333 Instagram

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Originally published: October 4, 2019
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