Breast Cancer

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Chemo and nerve pain

At 62 I was diagnosed with breast cancer HER+ ER+. Had a mastectomy, went through chemo and have been taking Arimidex for 8 years. This August shortly after my 70th birthday, I was diagnosed with TNBC, triple negative breast cancer. Had another mastectomy and started chemo of Taxol, Carboplatin and Keytruda this past Friday. By Monday I felt like I had been beaten with a baseball bat. It was like 10x the worst fibromyalgia episode ever. Still some soreness a few days later. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this. I'm told fighting two different kinds of breast cancer is "unique " and I know they're throwing the book at me, but I'm going to need something stronger than Lyrica to deal with this. #Cancer #Neuropathy #Fibromyalgia

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Health stuff #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #PTSD #MajorDepressiveDisorder

I got some news yesterday that I wasn’t prepared for but I was expecting to hear at some point. One of my doctors told me that I am at high risk for developing breast cancer and due to that need to be monitored very closely through various sorts of imaging including mammograms and from what he told me yesterday MRI’s. I am considered high risk mainly because my mother had breast cancer. I’m not taking this well, I started crying in the exam room and probably wouldn’t have made it home but I had someone who drove me to the appointment. I know that its possible that I may never develop breast cancer but the increased risk is really scary right now. I just turned 40 this year in February. I’m scared, the unknown right now is a lot.

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My personal perspective

I think I have a unique perspective I can provide, having suffered two severe illnesses, one generally considered a mental illness and one physical.

I’ve suffered from both Chronic Major Depressive Disorder & Breast Cancer. Both of which I still suffer from and take medications for daily. I’ve been through the wringer with both illnesses. I had 18 ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) treatments for depression but unfortunately the results didn’t last for me. I’ve tried every antidepressant there is and have even been hospitalized at one point.

With cancer I had a double mastectomy and 3 reconstructive surgeries… they basically took my body apart and rearranged it… the recoveries were an absolute nightmare I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I had 16 chemo treatments and 32 radiation treatments resulting in 3rd degree burns. And now am suffering from PTSD. In addition to all that I had to be alone for my DMX bc of the pandemic. Then I got long covid the week after I finished chemo which I was still suffering from when a hurricane paused my radiation treatments in the middle, and all of this happened during my 37th birthday.

But in case you were ever wondering which is worse… mental illness is 1000 times worse. And you receive 1000 times less support and sympathy.

So please stop stigmatizing your friends and family with mental illness and stop blaming them for their disease. You’re not encouraging them to do better, you’re telling them they’re not good enough.

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#doublemastectomy #BreastCancer

I am about to have a double mastectomy and don't have any idea what to expect. Does anyone out there have any advise for me before I have this done on Nov 22?

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Hi I’m new here and I’m terrified

I am a 55 year old grandma and they just found calcification in a linear pattern in my breast. I am awaiting a breast surgeon appointment to begin more testing and I am freaking out- I already have RA, Hashimotos and fibromyalgia, I’m used to pain and doctors, but this has knocked me to my knees. I don’t have a definitive answer yet but I am so scared and having a hard time staying in the moment even though I regularly meditate. I am really scared


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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is RyanMovementMiller.
my partner (Lauren) and I live in Costa Rica, but we are currently staying in New York to navigate her breast cancer diagnosis. We are now on the path to see what support is possible for her to have integrative care for this cancer.
#MightyTogether #Cancer

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Double Whammy

Following getting the news about my breast cancer diagnosis, I first called my good friend Gretchen. It hadn’t occurred to me to call my father right away. I’m still not used to having one. Calling my estranged mother was out of the question but I have one parent in my life so I called him. He told me to take it easy. My dad also texted all of my siblings with the news and told me that there wasn’t much breast cancer in the family with the exception of one of his grandmothers. There isn’t any on my mother’s side either that I am aware of. I’m sure that it’s environmental. I’ll be ok, dad. And I love you very much.

I also put in a call to my pharmacist, Paul and I am glad that I did. He has become a really good friend. When I told him that I wasn’t sure if my insurance would cover reconstruction or not, he told me not to go out and get double Ds, lol. I told him that I already have double Ds. My concern is that I get huge implants and then lose 50 pounds. I’ll look like Dolly Parton. Paul laughed and said that he had some paperwork for me to take to the surgeon that will make everything easier for me. He also said, “Don’t give up on me.” I told him that suicide wasn’t an option but I wouldn’t complain if God struck me with lightning. Cancer may just be that lightning strike. Paul then thanked me for trusting him with this information. No, thank you, Paul.

Once I posted my last blog with the news and told my girlfriends in the Charlie’s Angels group chat, Cheryl reached out. What she said was that an illness is an illness and she supports me whatever I have whether it be physical or mental. Others offered their support like Patty, Colleen, Amber, Lloyd, and Laurie. Gretchen proved most helpful by taking multiple calls from me yesterday. Then there was And. It gets it more than anyone. What And said was that it says a lot about mental health treatment when I am more stressed out about that than a cancer diagnosis. I really am.

Last night I was in bed by 9pm and I cried myself to sleep feeling sorry for myself. I’ve had a difficult life full of trauma and now there is a chance that it’s coming to a sad end. I was envisioning things like people finally accepting me now that I have an affliction they can understand and aren’t scared of. Maybe there’d be a big celebration of life and my best friend Chad could write my obituary. I want him to say that I lost my battle with mental illness. Not that I passed away from cancer. I did this to my self. And almost intentionally. I have smoked like a chimney for nearly 30 years. I chose this. I knew that it would kill me and I really didn’t care. Living with bipolar disorder truly sucks. Robbie did a wonderful job as an emotional support animal by kissing my tears away. I cried for her also. If this cancer kills me, she will be heartbroken. We are so connected to one another.

When I awoke this morning I felt like absolute shit. Like I had the hangover of a frat house pledge. Not sure if I am still recovering from the biopsy or if I am just over-medicated with psych meds. Or just overwhelmed with everything. Mostly those psych related appointments. I’ve always said that my mental health has taken precedent over my physical and I can’t take care of the latter because of the focus on the former. Then I got more bad news. The water at the campground is being shut off for the season. It’s been freezing.

Hopefully I can move into Laurie and Jim’s basement sooner than expected. Then there’s the matter of winterizing my camper. I have more hope. That Cheryl and her husband can help with that. I will do my best to get things ready but it’s very overwhelming especially when I have to figure out how to get my bed to Laurie and Jim’s on top of it. Something that Cheryl always says is that everything will work out. I’m sure that it will but I need help. Tony showed up at 10:00.

I told my therapist the plan for the day. I needed to get to the grocery store in Muscoda to buy water. But also that Robbie and I desperately needed a walk. We went to the Avoca marsh where we clocked almost a mile on Tony’s pedometer. It was really great for Robbie and I but I only wish we had time for twice that amount. It had also warmed up to 60 degrees and the area was quite beautiful. Tony and I talked about my breast cancer and he felt overwhelmed that I consider what may be my death to be suicide. My unhealthy lifestyle was a means to end of living with mental illness. I told him that I likely had cancer in my entire body and it probably started with my lungs. Cancer can be treated but mental illness really can’t. I don’t think so anyway. Not effectively. I’d rather see a cure for the latter. It’s would be a gift to humanity.

I got what I needed from Bender’s and I also got a phone call while I was shopping. UW Health was calling with another follow-up. I can expect more calls from them including ones from a social worker. Great. Just what I need. Another social worker. My conditional release case manager Sydney also texted this morning. I have an appointment with my PO on Wednesday. My death may be the only way that I can escape all of this. God would be doing me a favor. The thing is, I am still grateful. I have what I always dreamed of. A camper. Whether I am terminal or not there is only one other thing that I dream of. To spend the rest of my life with my dogs. The double whammy of bipolar and breast cancer has a great irony. One took my family away from me. But the other may bring them back.

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Everytime someone commits suicide you hear a lot of “If only I’d known how bad they felt!” Or “I wish I had known so I could’ve helped!” But I’ve realized now that a lot of them probably did reach out to loved ones and were ignored or not taken seriously. Because that’s what is happening to me now. My doctors tell me if I feel like I want to die to reach out to my “support system” but what if your support system doesn’t care? I’ve already been hospitalized for suicidal thoughts in the past, and while I was there I noted 3 different ways I could kill myself. Since then I’ve been through cancer, lost my fertility, had my body rearranged in breast reconstruction, and more… I know if I go to a hospital I won’t come out. And no one wants to listen anymore. #MentalHealth #Depression #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #Selfharm #Cancers #BreastCancer

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