Monday morning, during her debut as permanent co-host on “The View,” Meghan McCain shared a heartfelt message about her father, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), and his recent brain cancer diagnosis.
“I haven’t talked about it yet, and I knew this would be hard,” she said. “When you hear ‘cancer,’ a nuclear explosion goes off in your life, no matter who you are.”
WATCH: @MeghanMcCain shares her father @SenJohnMcCain‘s reaction to her joining @TheView, and opens up about his battle with cancer.
— The View (@TheView) October 9, 2017
John McCain, 80, was diagnosed with glioblastoma, a fast-growing and aggressive form of brain cancer, in July. He discussed his “poor” cancer prognosis on “60 Minutes” last month.
Visibly emotional about the subject matter, Meghan McCain continued:
It is the most difficult thing I’ve ever done in my entire life. I don’t know how people do it at all. It is the most chaotic, difficult, intense thing you could possibly go through, and I’m sitting here today because to take this job so quickly was a struggle, but I want to say that ultimately what tipped it over for me is you all have given me permission to talk about this in real time, to go through what it feels like to have the hero of my life — we are deeply connected, we are deeply close, to the point that I’ve almost been angry we’re so close, because I feel everything so deeply right now — but I want to talk about what cancer feels like, what it feels like as a daughter. We aren’t far enough along with research, and we especially aren’t far enough along with rare cancers.
Her father showed his support on Twitter by saying, “Our family couldn’t be prouder of all that you continue to accomplish.”
Congratulations @MeghanMcCain on your first day on @TheView. Our family couldn’t be prouder of all that you continue to accomplish.
— John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) October 9, 2017
McCain ended the segment about her father by saying, “Gliobastoma is a horrible, horrible hell of a cancer to have. I need everyone to know that I am committed until I die to helping solve this.”
Image via Wikimedia Commons/Jay Godwin