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10 Lessons I Learned After Having Cancer

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A woman who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer as a young adult shares the lessons she learned that have changed her outlook on life.

Read the full version of 10 Lessons I Learned After Having Thyroid Cancer as a Young Adult.

Read the full transcript:

10 Lessons I Learned After Having Cancer  – Samantha Paige

  1. Lesson 1: There is no right or wrong way to do cancer.
    1. Letting yourself feel the full range of emotions allows for long-term healing.
  2. Lesson 2: Own my “no” and be mindful of my “yes.”
    1. Over-committing is a one-way ticket to exhaustion and stress.
  3. Lesson 3: I control what I can.
    1. I am constantly checking in with myself and always learning more about health and wellness so I can feel my best.
  4. Lesson 4: I am my own best advocate.
  5. Lesson 5: My body is my greatest teacher.
  6. Lesson 6: Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.
  7. Lesson 7: You do you. I’ll do me.
  8. Lesson 8: Fall in love with yourself in every form.
  9. Lesson 9: Laugh. Find joy. Be silly.
  10. Lesson 10: My cancer does not define me, but how I live my life does.

Written by Samantha Paige

Originally published: November 11, 2017
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