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17 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because of Celiac Disease

As anyone newly diagnosed with celiac disease soon discovers, celiac impacts a lot more than just someone’s diet. In fact, our celiac disease and gluten-free diet can impact everything from our social life to when we eat.

That’s why I rounded up some things people do because of celiac disease that may not seem as obvious as ordering a gluten-free meal or saying no to whole wheat bread. So whether you have celiac disease and want to feel a little less alone, or you know people with celiac disease and want to better understand some of our more “quirky” behaviors, here are 17 things people don’t realize we’re doing because of celiac disease.

1. Always asking where we are going ahead of time.

Because when we can’t eat just anywhere, knowing where we’re going let’s us research options ahead of time or bring our own food.

2. Having alllll the snacks in our bag.

You’re welcome ????

3. Requesting people to not bring their own food into our kitchen.

Because cross-contact between our gluten-free food and others’ gluten-filled food is a real problem for people with celiac disease.

4. Preferring to hang out or meet up with people at “off” eating times.

So we don’t have to bring our own food, find a restaurant we can all eat at or need to think about food at all.

5. Always having our phone close at hand.

If you haven’t heard of these 7+ awesome phone apps for people with celiac disease or food allergies, definitely check out my post about them!

(And, of course, we google loads of products while grocery shopping or information about restaurants while eating out, too!)

6.  Carefully keeping an eye on whatever plate or bowl our food is in.

To make sure gluten stays farrrrr away!

7. Shopping for groceries on certain days.

The thing is, a gluten-free diet can be dang expensive. Using a money-rebate app like Ibotta (use my referral code qiarlqs to earn a bonus on your first receipt rebate) can help, as can shopping at more affordable grocery stores like Aldi and Sprouts Farmers Market. But most grocery stores also have better deals on certain days… so we shop on those days to save some gluten-free cash!

8. Eating before most social events.

Just in case there aren’t any safe gluten-free options.

9. Researching vacation spots like it’s our job.

Because enjoying good food is often at least a small part of any good vacation, and knowing where we can eat ahead of time makes the trip more relaxing and enjoyable for everyone involved.

10. Preferring to eat our food right out of the original bag or container.

That way, we can see the allergen statement and make sure the food is gluten-free and something we feel safe eating. Plus, if we get food in its original sealed packaging, we know it hasn’t accidentally been in contact with gluten.

11. Filling our suitcase with as many items of food as clothing.

Because it’s rarely a good idea to travel anywhere without some backup gluten-free food or snacks.

12. Spending extra time at the grocery store.

To read all those nutrition labels and compare prices to get the most bang for our buck on our gluten-free diet.

13. Stocking up on all the goods when they go on sale or are available seasonally.

‘Cause our favorite gluten free products — especially when they’re on sale — are basically edible gold.

14. Having a closet full of stretchy pants and flowy shirts.

Some days, our stomachs behave. Other times, we are glutened or our stomach just decides to inflate like a balloon. Having comfy clothes is a must.

15. Keeping emergency “glutened” meds and materials close on hand.

And on that same note, we often also keep emergency materials — like charcoal pills, our favorite bland foods and a heat pad and ice packs — on hand for if we do get glutened. (Note: everyone with celiac disease reacts differently to gluten and may use different techniques or products to help themselves recover.)

16. Avoiding jobs that could involve cooking with gluten or being exposed to wheat flour.

Because no job is worth our health.

17. Doing a little happy dance every time we nail a new recipe, discover a new product or have an awesome day, no gluten required.

And we never mind if others celebrate with us!

What Life is Really Like with Celiac Disease

The truth is, every day with celiac disease can be a little different. Sometimes our errands take us right by a gluten-free restaurant we didn’t know was there, or a friend surprises us by bringing safe gluten-free snacks to a party, and we enjoy food with everyone else.

Other times, our stomach acts up or there aren’t any celiac-safe options at the restaurant we’re going for a work dinner, so we just enjoy our time with others and eat ahead of time or afterward.

In either situation, though, we’re making our choices with the same goal in mind: to feel as good as we can with celiac disease.

A lot of times, some of our “quirkier” choices have a motivation as simple as that!

This post first appeared at Casey the College Celiac.

Can you relate to these celiac “quirks”? What is one that I didn’t mention? Tell me in the comments!

Photo via contributor

Originally published: February 10, 2019
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