Struggling with anxiety and depression, racing, negative thoughts occur quite often.

"I'm not good enough."

"Why me?"

"I don't deserve the good things I have in my life."

"I should be doing. . ."

It's so easy to get into this negative spiral of negtative thinking, but it's not easy to get out of it or talk about it with others. However, there is so much power behind words. Whether it's journaling and challenging your negative thinking with a positive, realistic spin, saying "stop" to yourself when you notice your negative thinking, or finding a trusting person to talk to, these skills takes the power away of what you're struggling with. Using these skills feels like a weight is lifted of your shoulders, clears your mind, and helps you identify the lack of truth behind those thoughts.

I'm not saying it is easy to use these skills, or they will take the negative thinking away forever. Learning these skills takes a lot of effort, and it definitely isn't a perfect process. However, once you are able to identify your negative thinking and use these skills, it can make the negative thinking less severe, less impactful, and less often.

#Anxiety #Depression #challengingnegativethoughts #Cognitivedistortions