I truly don’t know which is worse, physical abuse or mental abuse. Broken bones and bruises heal, but the mind doesn’t repair as easily. I learned at a very young age to always put others wants/needs before my own. The message I constantly heard was that I don’t matter. As an adult, choices have been difficult for me. It makes sense. I had no choices as a little girl.
Since starting therapy 6 years ago, I’m gradually learning how to have a voice. It hasn’t been easy for my family to accept. In the past, I’ve always dropped everything to make myself available for them. I told myself that this is what moms do. Meanwhile, I lost myself. I became numb. This week, I told two of my adult children no to something they wanted me to do. I already have other plans. In the past, I would have dropped everything. No wasn’t in my vocabulary. It had been stripped away all those years ago.
I know it will take time for my family to adjust to the changes in me, but they were upset that I said no. I’m torn between wanting to harm myself and/or allowing myself to be angry with their responses. Becoming who I’m meant to be is just so darned hard.