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I try to face each challenge my therapist gives me. While I’m sitting here in my car waiting for my therapy session, I’m feeling like a bit of a failure. Today, I was supposed to bring a list of 5 goals I made for myself. I didn’t write down a single one. I guess I could list things such as clean out my closet, brush my teeth twice a day, read my Bible more, etc. I see those as attainable challenges. People without mental health issues don’t realize how hard those seemingly simple tasks can be for someone with depression. But I know my therapist is expecting loftier goals. I’m scared. Scared if I write them he’ll expect me to do them.

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Wise Man

It’s so easy to see the bad, isn’t it? I know I take a lot for granted and don’t always recognize the good. This week, I want to really open my eyes and seek good. I’ll celebrate it. I’ll fight for my mental and physical health. I am worth it. So are you. Is there something you are fighting for?

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Slow Down 🐢 🐇

Please, my Mighty friends, healing takes time. Healthy growth doesn’t happen overnight. I constantly remind myself to look back at how far I’ve made it. And every step forward is beautiful.

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Comfort Out of My Comfort Zone

I was feeling the depression when my granddaughter asked if she could spend the night with me. She’s 11 and a half. I had that ‘no energy’ depression. I just wanted to stay in my pajamas in bed. When I picked her up, she had made us a to-do list. Over 2 days, we were actually able to knock off everything from her list except swim (it was raining). She’s so good for me and has such compassion. We made heart-shaped waffles for breakfast. 💞

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Healthy Diet

A healthy diet doesn’t only mean the foods we eat. It’s so much more. How is your diet? It’s never too late to make changes. We can do this. 🫶🏻

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Healing Takes Time

We learn trust from our first relationships. Usually from our caregivers. Trust is crucial for healthy relationships. Growing up without that trust foundation leaves us on shaky ground. It isn’t easy to recover from that. I had to learn, through therapy, what a healthy relationship looks like. I had no idea how I should be treated. My norm was not normal. I’m still discovering what trust means. I won’t give up.

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There was an origami exhibit at the Japanese gardens. I was amazed at what can be created by starting with a simple piece of paper. So much more can be done with us. We are God’s creation.

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Constant Companion

This is a great reminder for me to take Jesus everywhere I go. I can show the love of Jesus in all that I do. I need him when I’m happy and when I’m down. I need Him in strength and in fear. When I’m winning and when I’m struggling. He doesn’t give up on me so I shouldn’t give up on myself.

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This fountain was just outside the hotel I stayed in when I drove down to Arkansas for some time away. Such a beautiful town with some lovely shops.
My neuropsychologist, who I see twice a week, is out of the country for a few weeks. I’ve been doing my best to stay strong. I know that’s what he’d want me to do. It hasn’t been easy. Seven more days to go. 🫶🏻

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A Little at a Time

Giving up isn’t an option for me. I’m proud of each move forward I make, no matter how small. We can do this. 🐌

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