Yes, Your Caregiver Is a Wonderful Person — But So Are You
Hey there!
Recently I’ve read posts from fellow people with chronic illness about having to endure ignorant comments from strangers and sadly, friends and family, about how how hard it must be for those in their life caring for them – without their own difficulties being acknowledged.
• The Mighty’s Caregiving Toolkit
I’m not saying that life for caregivers isn’t hard. They have it so tough. But, what outside observers tend to forget is that there is a vulnerable person, in pain, unable to look after themselves who have feelings of loss, despair, grief and insecurity. Many people are still dealing with the fact that they are not 100 percent independent, which can be a very difficult pill to swallow. For those of you who have had to endure such ignorant comments, this letter is for you.
Do you ever have days where you think, “God, I’m such a burden” or “I need something but I don’t want to ask for help again?” I do. All. The. Time.
How many of us have been with friends or family and listen to them go on and on about how wonderful your spouse or partner is for taking care of you? Most of them will be somewhat diplomatic, but there are times when you are unfortunate enough to endure a conversation with an ignorant friend or stranger.
You know your spouse/partner is wonderful. That’s exactly why you are with them in the first place. You don’t need someone to tell you how hard it is for them to put up with your moods, resulting from fatigue, pain and pure unadulterated frustration. You don’t need them to remind you that you depend on them to help you with tasks that any healthy person could do for themselves.
When someone says, “Isn’t he/she great for looking after you?”
This is what we hear: “You’re a burden on your husband. You know that, right? If you didn’t have him you would struggle and probably be alone.”
OK, OK. It might sound a bit dramatic, but if it’s what you hear almost every time your illness is discussed, it grates on you. Words are funny things. When people are already insecure in themselves they can read into things that may not have any ill intent. Chronic illness eats away at our bodies but it can also eat away at our minds and self-confidence.
You hear how great your partner is more than you hear how great you are for not getting into bed, and never coming out of it no matter how much you want to do that sometimes. But that’s the nature of having a chronic illness, isn’t it? People simply don’t get it. Many people simply don’t get it if your illness isn’t life-threatening. They don’t get that your symptoms are for as long as you live, that there is no cure.
Yes, it is really hard for caregivers. Especially for parents and partners of people with chronic illnesses. Caregiving can often be a full-time job without the pay. But, imagine how hard it is for the person who is being cared for. Having to be cared for can be downright humiliating. You need help getting off the toilet when your hips are giving you trouble, you need to be lifted out of the bath because you’re dizzy. You need help dressing because your so fatigued after having a shower. You need someone to cook and clean for you because you simply can’t. It takes years for people to come to terms with this, if ever.
You shouldn’t have to be considered “really special” to take care of your significant other, isn’t that the whole point of committing to each other, “In sickness and in health?” Isn’t it part and parcel of choosing to have a child or deciding to spend your life with someone?
I have so many friends who are chronically ill who have their spouses and mothers acting as their carers. I know they have had to endure ignorant comments from strangers about whether or not they should have children, that they are a burden on their partner and that their partner is, “A really, really great guy that puts up with a lot.”
But, I know those same people fight every single day to face their illness and a world that is filled with so much ignorance head on. I also know that these people are so appreciative of everything the people in their support system do to make their lives that bit more bearable. I see them declaring their love and appreciation of their caregiver to the world. But I also know that these same people lay next to their partners on the couch or in bed after a really hard day. They look them in the eye and thank them for everything they have done today to help them endure the pain, the fatigue and all the horrible symptoms they put up with every single day.
Of course you should thank them. They didn’t ask for this life either and yet, they do it anyway and without complaining (well, most of the time anyway). Doing something special for your caregiver every now and then is a nice way to show your appreciation.
If your significant other is your carer, sometimes the romance can dwindle and the relationship can go from lover to carer. It is important to do something together that keeps that passion between you going. Even if it’s snuggling up on the couch, having a kissing and cuddling session. It goes both ways, though.
Sometimes those needing to be cared for can feel inferior, childlike, useless, unattractive and yes, like a burden.
If you’re chronically ill and have a loved one caring for you remember this – you’re not a burden. You didn’t choose to be sick. You take on the biggest task of all. Surviving.
Life has given you a pretty crappy hand but you’re still here, and that should be applauded. You put up with more things in one week than most people deal with in a lifetime. You are good enough. You are not “lucky” to have a parent/partner caring for you.
Sure, there are people who wouldn’t be up to the task of looking after a chronically sick loved one, but that doesn’t make you any more “lucky.” Luck has nothing to do with it. You fell in love with a good person and they fell in love with you for the same reason.
You are not your illness. It does not define who you are — unless you want it to. Being chronically ill does bring out the not-so-pleasant side of people, but it also embellishes all the wonderful traits of you, too. You learn to be more compassionate, more appreciative of the little things in life like a walk on the beach or an hour in the playground with your child.
You learn to take opportunities when you can. You learn that saying no is perfectly fine. If you’re not up to it, you don’t do it. Chronic illness takes so much away but it allows us to see the world in a unique way. Bottom line is your caregiver is a wonderful person, but so are you.
Till next time,
The Zebra Mom