Does your chronic illness make your stomach churn — literally? While gastrointestinal symptoms are common among many digestive disorders, stomach and bowel symptoms aren’t limited to conditions that affect the digestive system. Digestive issues can be caused by medications you take or eating food you’re sensitive to. Even your mental health can leave you feeling crampy or nauseous. “Anxiety poops,” anyone? Needless to say, there are plenty of reasons why your stomach might be in knots.
Regardless of their cause, digestive problems can make life difficult. Symptoms can cause unexpected interruptions throughout your day, making it a struggle to keep plans or leaving you feeling self-conscious. Even when digestive symptoms become a part of everyday life — as can be the case for people with conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, gastroparesis, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome and cyclic vomiting syndrome — they can still be plenty disruptive.
Chances are you have your own tips and tricks for managing tough days or flares, but sometimes it helps to just laugh. Whether you delight in a “shitty” joke or pepper the poop emoji in all of your texts, normalizing bathroom conversations (and humor) can help make “awkward” situations a little less crappy.
If laughter is one of the ways you cope, these hilarious memes are for you.
1. When a trip the bathroom means taking what’s yours with ‘fire and blood.’

2. That dreaded moment after a long night in the bathroom.

3. When someone thinks they understand your dietary restrictions better than you do.

4. When you finally reach a bathroom and can sigh with relief.

5. When you make jokes to defuse a ‘crappy’ situation.

6. When you can’t trust your body.

7. When someone asks for your dietary restrictions.

8. Where you’re really working from when you work from home.

9. When you forget to bring your phone with you to the bathroom.

10. When the public bathroom is for single-use only.

11. When your favorite foods aren’t safe for your digestive system.
12. Trying to sleep when you’re doing a bowel prep.

13. The only meal that feels safe during a flare.

14. When you take a risk and it works out for you.

15. When someone gives you unsolicited advice… again.

For more stories on digestive related problems read these Mighty stories: