Hi, my name is Taylor and I have several chronic illnesses that severely impact my life! (Insert frantic wave here!) Every once in a while, I think about the little things about my life I have had to change, or new habits I’ve noticed throughout my journey. Here are a few random thoughts anyone with a chronic illness will probably be able to relate to.
1. Actually understanding what the term “spoonie” means.
2. You have left a butt imprint on your bed/couch because you spend so much time there resting and recharging.
3. Is it a flare up, or is my appendix finally rupturing for once and for all?
4. There is a chance you may glow under UV lights due to all the radiation from all the scans you’ve had done in your lifetime (This *may* not be factual.)
5. You prefer to shop at a drugstore like Walgreens for random items because it requires much less walking than having to go across the aisles of your typical grocery store.
6. Realizing that healthy, able-bodied people will never understand why you are more exhausted after your “relaxing” shower/bath then before you started.
7. Needing a week to rest up in bed after having to leave the house to go to a doctor’s appointment, run errands, etc.
8. Internally rolling your eyes and scoffing at your co-worker who said their sister/mother/other family member “cured” the same chronic illness you have by going vegan and breathing nothing but essential oil-diffused air while managing to keep a straight face the whole time.
9. Wishing your nurse didn’t really have to go through your medication list at every damn appointment.
10. Your leggings/pajamas/comfy clothes outnumber your actual “go outside and do stuff” clothes in your drawers or closet.
11. The excitement of yet *another* day of binge-watching a new Netflix show has really lost its spark.
12. Being exhausted every minute of the day just trying to exist.
13. You keep a food journal, a pain journal and a new symptom journal, among others.
14. You have multiple heating pads.
15. You are more familiar with the staff at your local hospital than you’d like to admit.
16. You’ve really had to change your relationship with food.
17. Having more internet friends through support groups than real friends because at least they understand your struggles.
18. Having to cancel plans, appointments, etc. at the last minute because a flare came on out of nowhere.
19. Learning new hobbies such as crocheting or knitting just to pass the time.
20. Having to leave a job or having been let go from a position because of your illness.
21. Knowing that you will *never* have enough cozy slippers, fuzzy blankets and other comfort items that bring a smile to your face.
22. Having to cut toxic people out of your life, even family, because they refuse to accept your illness is chronic and debilitating.
23. Pinterest is always a great way to pass the time.
24. You are more than your disease.
25. You are, and always will be, enough.
What “weird” habits have you developed to accommodate your differently-abled life? Feel free to add yours in the comment section!
Unsplash image by Kinga Cichewicz