On top of my already long list of issues I’ve been struggling with pericarditis for almost 3 weeks now. They initially only had me on conservative management but that didn’t seem to work, so I spent 9 days in hospital for more tests & medication tritration as my heart rate was acting up as well ( it’s apparently still going to take months to get back to ‘normal’). I Was also restarted on my topamax for my migraines as nothing else was working and it got to the point where I couldn’t get out of bed or keep any food down for 3 whole days - not helping in the long run! Cardiologist also discovered what they call a muscle bridge - essentially where a part of one of my main coronary arteries goes through the muscle instead of over it - & now I’m on medication to stop that from spasming & causing more pain along with everything else. I’m too tired and too scared to ask “what next” or “what else”..... Please tell me I’m not the only one feeling that way at the moment!? And that it’s not just because I can’t even sleep lying down currently as it increases my pain so I’m severely sleep deprived to boot! 🥺🥺 (ps this is my sisters cat Molly, hasn’t left me a minute since I’ve returned home from hospital & has helped me in so many ways🙂)