After nearly 18 months of #workingremotely due to the pandemic, many people are being called back to their offices. I work at a community college, which has begun some in person classes and student services like financial aid and admissions and records.

First of all, I’m terrified of the delta variant, especially because I’m over 60 and obese. Secondly, I’ve turned into a real hermit during lockdown and have to really push myself to go anywhere. I still do all my shopping online and will continue to do so indefinitely since I’ve always hated in person shopping anyhow.

Currently I’m not required to return to campus until January and I’m relieved that President Biden announced today that we’ll all get booster shots eight months after we became fully vaccinated earlier this year. For me, that will be in December. However I’m still fearful.

How are my fellow autistics feeling about returning to in person work? If you are fully vaccinated, are you concerned about breakthrough infections? #breakthroughinfection #deltavariant #returningtowork #autismonthejob #remotework