How Twitter Is Talking About the Worst Part of Depression
Although more than 350 million people of all ages experience depression worldwide, not a lot of people talk about it. But when the hashtag “The Worst Part Of Depression Is” started trending on Twitter, people started tweeting about their experience with the mental illness, offering insights and advice. These were the tweets that resonated with us most:
#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs feeling like it will never get better. I'm happy that this is a trending hashtag. We have to start this convo.
— Benjamin O'Keefe (@benjaminokeefe) August 7, 2015
#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs people asking “what do you have to be depressed about?”
— J. Skyler (@jskylerinc) August 7, 2015
#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs not admitting/realizing soon enough you have it. It’s never too late to get help! <3
— anna clendening (@annaclendening) August 7, 2015
#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs that just talking about this disorder we desperately need to destigmatize can be a trigger.
— Jenny Lawson (@TheBloggess) August 7, 2015
#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs that people think it’s a choice.
— Erika L. Sánchez (@ErikaLSanchez) August 7, 2015
#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs trying to tell people that you’re not “having a bad day” and you can’t just “snap out of it”.
— just plain beth (@whoawhut) August 7, 2015
#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs the lies your brain tells you about your own worth.
— Kat Kinsman (@kittenwithawhip) August 7, 2015
#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs the #stigma and the #marginalization that are part and parcel to the #experience
— JohnStaples, Outsider/Artist… (@johnstaples1) August 7, 2015
#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs when your mother tells you to man up
— Aleksandr Kutkovskii (@Saligorsk) August 7, 2015
#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs hiding it from family cause no one talks about it in our community.
— //IDNA (@Mid_I_Am) August 7, 2015
#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs suffering in silence…find someone who will listen
— Holly (@punnycat_is_me) August 7, 2015
#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs people think that depression is a character defect, not a chemical imbalance.
— Tonisha (@TLB8275) August 7, 2015
#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs how it dulls the colors of life
— Christopher Kokoski (@Chris_Kokoski) August 7, 2015
#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs how quickly your own mind becomes your worst enemy.
— Ella Robson (@_EllaRobson) August 7, 2015
#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs not even realizing you’re in it. Because it’s not just crying and despair. Sometimes it’s a quiet and fog.
— Bassey Ikpi (@Basseyworld) August 7, 2015
#TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs Watching your loved ones sink into a dark hole and not knowing how to pull them out of it.
— Corpus Callosum (@awrinjesherbert) August 7, 2015
You can join in on the conversation by tweeting with the hashtag #TheWorstPartOfDepressionIs.
Related: These 25 Quotes Prove Depression Is More Than Sadness
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