Tell me I’m not alone. I can’t be the only one that does this. Rewarding oneself with material things after going through something major, overcoming anxiety, etc. But for me, it was to reward myself for finding a job, sticking with it, learning the ropes before being let loose on my own. This is a huge accomplishment for me. This year I have and had struggled mentally. I didn’t stay at a place I was employed at for very long, always ended up quitting, called out multiple times. Went through a handful of relationships with people thinking that it was going to last but they never did. Always questioning myself about everything. But, flash forward to now I have a job that I love. I work alone cleaning a school in the evenings, I don’t have to worry about any work place drama. So it’s kind of the best. As for relationships, I’m still alone, but I’m becoming okay with it. I mean for now at least, because I believe that there is someone out there who was made for me. I am talking to a person right now, kind of want it to work out with me and him, but if it doesn’t maybe he wasn’t the one or it is the universe telling me that I need to do more work on myself. The right one will come along. But I am super duper proud of myself. People reward themselves differently then what I did but once in awhile it’s okay to splurge on yourself. If you are able to, it doesn’t even have to be a material object it could be a hair appointment, getting your nails done, etc. Do whatever is best for you and also do whatever’s going to make you happy. It doesn’t matter what that looks like to others. 💙✨ #MentalHealth #Depression #dowhatevermakesyouhappy #happyconfidentme