just incase anyone is looking for support or guidance. The places I've found most helpful is Facebook support groups. 1 for support where you can post freely which can be any group just find the one that works best for you and then the Nancy's nook fb group! they are kinda strict but they post ALOT of helpful articles and so much more. like they have a list of endometriosis specialists bc many of us know not all gynos are qualified to deal with endo. it sometimes takes a certain surgery. So they have a list of the doctors for each state. also following advocates who share their story has helped me a lot. lara parker is one of my favorite humans she shares her story on instagram Twitter & Facebook. she is so brave and amazing. she has a book coming out in October about endometriosis! she also uses thc to cope with endo! I hope you all have good days coming! stay strong and let's continue the fight to endo the stigma around endo!💛💛
#Endometriosis #endowarrior #ENDendo #endostrong