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Endometriosis Again? #Endometriosis #Endo #endostrong

Since last July I have been diagnosed and trying to deal with several NEW problems but it didn’t occur to me til I was having the worst period today that maybe just maybe , the periods could be endometriosis again and affecting my over all health epically. I don’t feel scared if that’s the case I’m actually wanting answers bad enough that this would be an easy fix for me, compared to the unknown. I’ve had 2 surgeries before and it’s been 2 and a half years since the last one so who knows! #Endometriosis #Endo #endostrong #Fibromyalgia #HemiplegicMigraine #Gastroparesis #Undiagnosed


#Endometriosis support!💛

just incase anyone is looking for support or guidance. The places I've found most helpful is Facebook support groups. 1 for support where you can post freely which can be any group just find the one that works best for you and then the Nancy's nook fb group! they are kinda strict but they post ALOT of helpful articles and so much more. like they have a list of endometriosis specialists bc many of us know not all gynos are qualified to deal with endo. it sometimes takes a certain surgery. So they have a list of the doctors for each state. also following advocates who share their story has helped me a lot. lara parker is one of my favorite humans she shares her story on instagram Twitter & Facebook. she is so brave and amazing. she has a book coming out in October about endometriosis! she also uses thc to cope with endo! I hope you all have good days coming! stay strong and let's continue the fight to endo the stigma around endo!💛💛
#Endometriosis #endowarrior #ENDendo #endostrong


You ARE worthy

Your infertility doesn’t make you less of a woman
Your chronic illness doesn’t make you less of a woman
Your lack of energy to get all dressed up and go out doesn’t make you less of a woman
Endometriosis does not make you less of a woman.

Speak these truths aloud. Declare them over yourself. #Endometriosis #endostrong #Spoonie


Living with Endometriosis #MightyPoets #endolife #iam1in10

We don't know why you grow
Or even how you were born,
But your presence is certainly felt,
Leaving inside us, shredded and torn.

You tear apart relationships
You make us feel so low,
You operate invisibly,
So nobody can really know.

You're sneaky in your tantrums
And cause a flare at any time
No treatment seems to stop you,
Its a constant uphill climb.

You take way our babies
Before they're even born,
The toll you take on our lives
Leaves us feeling so empty and worn.

People question if you're real,
Make judgements and mindless remarks,
You're the cause of self destruction,
A continuous road of darkness.

You ruin our pre arranged plans
And bloat when the mood takes,
You strike and we have to cancel
Causing our jobs to be at stake.

I won't stop raising awareness about you
And will scream for everyone to know,
I am 1 in 10 amazing women,
Battling daily with chronic endo! ~Aimee Brown~
Insta: @endowithaimee_blog

#Endometriosis #ChronicPain #MentalHealth #Depression #endostrong

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