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A Letter to Epilepsy, From Its Frenemy

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Dear Epilepsy,

You’ve been with me for five years now, and it seems like you aren’t leaving anytime soon.

Before I knew what you were, I was afraid of the seizures I was having. My first grand mal seizure happened at my best friend’s house when I was 14. I didn’t even know what a seizure was. Over the next month I had five grand mal seizures. No one knew what was going on or what the outcome would be.

Other relevant stories:
Can Epilepsy Cause Memory Loss
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In January 2011 I finally got a name for you. Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. You’ve altered my life in so many ways. I hate that I have you, but at the same time I love that you came.

I hate you because my whole lifestyle has changed. I have to be in bed early, take medicine twice daily; I can’t be around blinking lights, I can’t be a rebellious teen. And much, much more.

I love the other people with epilepsy I’ve had the chance to meet. The Epilepsy Foundation Texas‘s summer camps helped me, too. They helped me learn more about you, get comfortable with you and connect with others who knew what I was going through.

You will forever be a part of my life, but I hope to control you. I’m now a 19-year-old college student trying to fight against you. You somehow continue to win, but I’ll continue trying to beating you. I refuse to let you control my life. I refuse to let you bring me down. Until I figure out what to do with you I guess we’re gonna be together for a while.

Sincerely, your frenemy,


Do you have a story about your experience with epilepsy? Please send it to and include a photo for the story, a photo of yourself and a 1-2 sentence bio. Check out our “Share Your Story” page for more about our submission guidelines.

Originally published: July 20, 2015
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