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What I Want You to Know About Dating Someone With Epilepsy

Dating someone with epilepsy isn’t always easy. There are a lot of things the other person has to understand and accept. If they aren’t willing to do that, it’s never going to work.

For me, first and foremost the other person has to understand and accept that I’m different. I need extra understanding and patience. They can’t expect me to just get up and go. I don’t need someone to act like I’m incapable of doing anything; I’m just not as fast.

Other relevant stories:
Is Epilepsy an Autoimmune Disease
Can Epilepsy Kill You
Is Epilepsy a Disability 

I know not everyone is the same as me, but dating someone with epilepsy generally requires the same basic things. Just have patience and understanding. Know that we are trying our best.

We can love you just as much as you love us. We aren’t some kind of alien. We can do anything anyone else can. We may not get to the restaurant on time, but we will have fun.

Just remember not to be so quick to judge someone with epilepsy. We aren’t any different than you.

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Thinkstock photo by Lucky Business.

Originally published: November 8, 2017
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