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There Is More to Me Than My Illnesses

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I have been ill my entire life and the past several years have been consumed by additional diagnoses. I am stricken with a constant need to monitor my body and its function. Although I spend most of my day with concern, I still have a life otherwise.

I have a loving husband and cute dog. I love spending time with them whether it is just watching movies or going on a trip. My husband enjoys photography so we like to visit parks and go hiking for beautiful scenery. Even though physically it is difficult for me sometimes, I still like to be with him so I will find a comfortable spot while he continues walking. This gives me an opportunity to enjoy nature while having some quiet time. The stillness helps rest my body and spirit at the same time.

I also enjoy praising God in our church. Being in church helps reinforce my faith and provides opportunity for fellowship. I have gained friendships and participated in ministries which allowed me to serve others in need. I feel it is my purpose to share my life’s miracles with them to give them hope. Through my life there have been so many people who have helped me so I want to pay it forward.

I have a loving family including sister, brother, nieces, nephews and many cousins. My parents were my biggest support and encouraged a close relationship with our immediate and extended family. I would not be where I am today without all of their love and support. That along with my faith is what got me through my most difficult times.

I have a small group of friends whom I have known most of my life. I continue to stay in touch with them. They are always available when I need a laugh or talk about a tough time. Some of my most memorable moments were with these friends. Even though I may not speak to some of them often, they still always lend their ear when I ask for help.

I love creative expression whether it is through dance, art, writing or cooking. I have learned to use these activities to create balance in my life. Instead of filling my mind with worries and despair over my illnesses, I can have happiness and a sense of peace. Also sharing my creations with others gives me confidence and a feeling of accomplishment.

When we give gratitude for things we can enjoy, the bad moments aren’t really as bad. It is these little moments of happiness that generate the fuel needed to make it through the difficult moments. Although my life may be filled with illness, there is still quite of bit that is not!

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Originally published: February 12, 2018
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