9 of the Most Surprising Things That Helped People With Fibromyalgia Pain
Editor's Note
Any medical information included is based on a personal experience. For questions or concerns regarding health, please consult a doctor or medical professional.
We hope the products below, all recommended by our Mighty community members, help you or a loved one in your health journeys. Just so you know, The Mighty may collect a share of sales from the Amazon links on this page. Prices and product availability are accurate as of publication.
When you live with a chronic pain condition such as fibromyalgia, it often requires quite a bit of trial and error to find a combination of medications, products, treatments and coping techniques that helps you manage your symptoms and find some amount of relief. Though there seems to be no shortage of products and lifestyle changes out there that promise to help relieve pain, it can be difficult to find things you haven’t tried that actually make a difference in your pain levels.
- What is Fibromyalgia?
- What Are Common Fibromyalgia Symptoms?
That’s why we turned to those who know best, and asked our Mighty fibromyalgia community to share the most surprising things they’ve tried that have helped with their fibro pain. Of course, everyone is unique and affected differently by fibro, so what works for one person may not work for another. But if you’re looking for some new products or techniques to try, hopefully the following suggestions will give you a few ideas!
Here’s what our fibro community recommends:
1. Pregnancy Pillow
You don’t have to be pregnant to reap the benefits of a pregnancy pillow. The size and shape can provide extra comfort and support so you’re able to find a sleeping position that’s not painful and get some rest.
“Pregnancy pillow,” wrote Meena Naik. “It helps with my body pain so much!”
“Weighted blanket and pregnancy pillow!” added Deanna Scalf.
Buy the pregnancy pillow above for $39.99 from Amazon.
- 27 Comfortable Pillows That Help People With Chronic Pain Sleep Better
- 14 Alternative Pillows That Help People With Chronic Pain Sleep Better
2. CBD Products
While medical marijuana is still illegal in many states and countries, there are many products available now that contain CBD, the compound in cannabis that can help relieve pain (CBD products may or may not contain THC, the compound that makes you feel “high”). Many of those with chronic pain say that CBD has helped with their symptoms, but CBD does not work for everyone, and it’s up to you to check with your doctor about any side effects or interactions to be aware of. Although you’re unlikely to face legal issues from purchasing CBD products like the ones listed below, it’s still wise to be aware of the cannabis laws in your state or country before purchasing.
“I make THC-infused pain relief lotion,” said Deanna Brooks. “Works wonders!”
Also recommended by Cleopatra Jackson, Amalia Bowens, Lisa Tryon and Jennifer Lauryn Suthard.
Buy the tincture featured above for $38 from Lazarus Naturals.
3. Heated Mattress Pad
A heated mattress pad keeps your entire bed warm and comfortable, no matter the season, and the heat can help you relax and relieve pain so you can get some sleep at night.
“Using an electric heated mattress pad on my bed. It feels like one big heating pad. They have controls for both sides of the bed with head and feet, on or off options. It helps with the achy pains at night time,” Jenny Williams Sarver said.
Buy the heated mattress pad above (queen size) for $65.32 from Amazon.
- 20 Heating Products That Can Help Relieve Pain
- 16 Types of Bedding That Help People With Chronic Pain Sleep Better
4. Video Games

“Video gaming as a distraction works for me,” said Amanda Gulliver.
Michelle Oja added, “Video games. My mind focuses in a different way than other tasks, and I forget about the pain for a little while.”
- 16 Ways to Distract Yourself From Fibromyalgia Pain
- 15 Fun Games to Play on Your Phone When Your Health Keeps You Home
5. Infrared Heat
The heat emitted from infrared heat lamps is designed to improve the blood flow and circulation of the target area, and some studies have shown it can help relieve pain and encourage muscles and damaged tissue to heal. Be sure to talk to your doctor before using to ensure infrared heat is safe for you.
“Far Infrared treatment,” recommended Jacqueline Sefton. “Felt the warmth working through my joints and limbs and carried on working after a 15-minute session! Also find acupuncture helps briefly.”
Guðbjörg Guðmundsdóttir also recommended an infrared sauna.
Buy the infrared heat lamp above for $62.58 from Amazon.
6. Magnesium Oil Spray
Magnesium oil spray delivers 100 percent absorbable elemental magnesium directly to your cells. Some have found that it helps relieve pain, including sore muscles, leg cramps, headaches, migraines and various bodily aches. Be sure to talk to your doctor before using to make sure it’s safe for you, based on your health, medications and course of treatment.
“Magnesium oil spray!” suggested Caitlin Griffiths. “Helps so much with aching muscles and joints.”
Buy the magnesium oil spray above for $18.95 from Amazon.
7. Sex/Orgasm

Some may find that engaging in sex or masturbation to achieve orgasm can serve as a distraction from their pain and symptoms, and the pleasurable feelings produced may somewhat “override” other painful sensations. Check out the stories below for chronic illness– and disability-friendly sex positions and sex toys.
“This is going to sound strange but… orgasm,” Paige Whitney said. “Though, when you think about it, you are focused on the act of getting yourself off instead of your pain. Then, once you orgasm, you are in a blissful state. It’s strange, but works.”
- 5 Disability-Inclusive Sex Positions to Spice Up the Bedroom
- 15 Accessible Sex Toys and Devices That Can Spice Up Your Sex Life
8. Tennis Balls
If your muscles are aching and in need of some massaging, some type of ball (such as a tennis ball) may be a helpful tool. You could roll it back and forth where you’re tense or use it to put pressure on trigger points.
“Various sized balls and a rock to help release the muscle knots I get deep in my glutes,” explained Marian Visser.
Tanya Fierro said she uses tennis balls for trigger points in her neck, shoulders and back.
Buy the can of tennis balls above for $6.75 from Amazon.
9. Hair Dryer
If heat helps soothe your chronic pain, a hair dryer might be an unexpected source of relief. A lightweight, travel dryer (such as the one featured above, which only weighs a pound) could also be easier to hold and manage if you struggle with pain, stiffness or muscle weakness.
“My hair dryer,” wrote Elín Haraldsdóttir. “I use it on my shoulder and head until I can’t stand the heat. Afterwards I feel more relaxed and can even fall asleep.”
Buy the hair dryer above for $14.99 from Amazon.
Fibromyalgia, a chronic illness with three main symptoms — widespread pain, chronic fatigue and cognitive trouble. Fibromyalgia is a complicated illness that’s not well understood. In the past, it was mischaracterized as a mental health disorder. Even today, some doctors wave off fibro symptoms as being “all in your head.” This isn’t the case. Read The Mighty’s comprehensive guide to fibromyalgia here. Click here to join our fibro community and connect with people who get it.