I have just been given a name to what I have been dealing with for over 20 years, gastroparis. I have told people I do not like eating during the day and was looked at as anti social because I chose not to go sit in the teacher lounge with everyone as they ate. I tell people I don't eat much but they don't believe me because I weight 250 and can't seem to loose weight. I have been drinking a (1) shake for my daily calorie intake and it takes all day. If I drink it fast it comes back up...
Finally, there is a name... but...I still need to eat tiny meals at night when I do not have to do anything but let food digest for 2 hours or more. I will still answer the questions when people access me of being a closet binger..
Finally, I add another label to my already imbattled body mind game. Gastroparis #gastroparis #frustrated #fibromyalga