21 Gifts Special Needs Moms *Really* Want for Valentine's Day
Sometimes the gifts we really want can’t be bought in a store.
The Mighty teamed up with A Very Special Needs Resource to find out what moms of children with special needs would really like to receive most this Valentine’s Day. Their responses have one common theme: love.
Here’s what they had to say:
1. “I would love to be able to have a conversation with my daughter. To really know what she wants, how’s she’s feeling, her hopes and dreams.”
2. “To have someone tell me that if something were to ever happen to me they will always be there for my son. I wouldn’t need another gift ever.”
3. “I would love an evening away by myself!”
4. “I would love to see my daughter have friends. Friends to invite over, to go to their house. To laugh and be silly with, to take photos together.”
5. “I want less pity and more understanding of how beautiful and special my daughter is. I want people to know I am lucky to be her mom and that her being autistic is what makes her so beautiful. I want the world to know that autism is not a tragedy, and I feel so very lucky that it has touched my life. I want acceptance of neurological differences.”
6. “[For] my daughter to be headache-free.”
7. “I don’t need anything for Valentine’s Day. I have my sweetheart. No chocolate or flowers could ever be better than a big hug and kiss from my boy.”
8. “A nice long relaxing bath, candles, music and maybe a glass of wine… just some me time.”
9. “I would love to know my son will be fine when I am gone.”
10. “A special evening for my daughter with special needs.”
11. “Just to hear my son say, ‘I love you, Mommy. Happy Valentine’s Day.’ Candy wouldn’t hurt either.”
12. “One thing I would love is to not have to inject my daughter every single day with her medication. I know that’s impossible, but it is my wish.”
13. “I would love for my daughter to get into Chatter Matters camp. It’s for nonverbal kids with physical disabilities, and their families.”
14. “To be able to have an in-depth conversation with my daughter so I can understand what’s going on in her little mind.”
15. “Twenty-four hours to myself. Just to be me.”
16. “[For] my son to have a pain-free weekend.”
17. “To not have to adult for a day.”
18. “To see my 3-month-old baby boy smile.”
19. “Just to walk into my daughter’s room and know she is still alive… [For my daughter to] not have a life expectancy.”
20. “I would love someone to come by to visit.”
21. “For my son to be happy.”
What would you like for Valentine’s Day? Let us know in the comments below.