Mothers of children with disabilities share what they want people to know about what their life is like parenting their children.
“I’m not different from any other mom, I’ve just learned unique skill sets over the years.”
“My daughter is behind her peers academically, but she is kind and empathetic. I’m completely OK with that!”
“We embrace our kids’ differences, and we celebrate them.”
“My son shows me the wonderful way he sees the world. I would never change a thing.”
“My daughter’s drive, focus and positivity is contagious!”
“My son makes our family whole and beautiful. I’m blessed that God picked me to be his mom!”
“I get to have lots of fun! When we stop to take a dance break in the parking lot on the way into Target, my inner child gets to play with my kids.”
“My daughter has taught me to slow down and appreciate today, every day.”
“I wish for society to adapt to be more inclusive and accessible, but never for my daughter to change to fit an ableist society.”
“My daughter’s unique perspective on life reminds me to be a better, more loving, more compassionate person. Just like she is.”
“We are proud of our children. Our lives are happy and fulfilling.”