(Trigger Warning: This contains commentary on the topic of suicide. Please proceed with caution and at your own discretion.)

I just recently started this book and it is a rather interesting read. Penny (main character) had found her best friend Jenny has succumbed to suicide by discovering her lifeless body in Jenny's office. Only to learn that her picture perfect life wasn't as it seemed and via crumbs of information from Jenny's husband Matt and flashbacks, things come tumbling into focus for Penny as she begins to see the truth of things and how blase she was.
The characters are sincerely relatable and the dilemma Penny finds herself in is one many of us here or many people [period] find themselves in. This book was very hit or miss with people and I think it's because it was about a topic most people prefer not to discuss and the ironic part is...the lack of communication about suicide and feelings and depression is exactly what killed Jenny.
So if you're a bookworm like me and you get a chance I recommend the read. #Recommend #goodbooks #Suicide