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Meet Heart Warrior, Lane!

"Lane was born at 37 weeks and had surgery at 2 days old for an intestinal blockage followed by 51 days in the NICU. He recently had open heart surgery and is now home recovering. Big brother waited 9 whole years for his little brother and could not be happier!"
—Lane's mom, Devon
#DownSyndrome #NICU #heartwarrior #HeartConditions

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Days we will never forget #CongenitalHeartDefectDisease #heartwarrior #TGA #HeartMoms

My little 9lb heart warrior has taught me so much about being mom and a human and not comparing yourself to others for happiness. She won’t ever need to be the first of her age group to roll over or say a word. It will never matter how soon she is potty trained or singing songs. I don’t care.

Harper is taking 4 oz bottles this week 👏 She is a baby like no other who has had days most other babies couldn’t relate to. We’ve had days we were elated because she lost 50 mls of fluid or became free of another med line. I’ve been proud of my child to see her breath on her own, have urine output, and hold a steady blood pressure. This week has been highlighted by a good EKG, clear chest X-ray, and gaining 1.5oz. So I’ll sing from the top of my lungs how amazing my child is, not because she did anything first or best, but because she’s growing and thriving and being her own person, and as a mom sometimes pee can make you happier than a sunny beach day.

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Ayden’s 1st Heartversary ❤️

There are no words to express what happened last night at Brad Paisley concert.
Ayden, I watched you smile, a smile from ear to ear and it filled my heart with so much joy.
I truly live for these moments with you. Your happiness is my priority.

To think that we almost didn’t make it to the concert due to traffic on I80. During our ride to the concert you remained so Optimistic. You wanted to see Brad and we said we would make it as fun as possible and enjoy it. Little did we know this would happen. We were caught so off guard.

I’ve been told many times that Ayden has a charm , a way with people. With time I’ve realized it is true. He is loved by so many and the strange part is that most are complete strangers that are drawn to him. So many people at the concert stopped him either for a high five, fist pump, hug , picture or words of encouragement.

I cannot thank everyone enough for the love and support for Ayden. It’s greatly appreciated .

Thank you Brad Paisley for making his 1st concert and Heartversary so memorable. Thanks for the guitar!As Ayden says, he will be the 2nd best nationwide is on your side artist. Ellen DeGeneres
#bradpaisleyconcert #heartversary #heartwarrior #aydensfulfillingyourbirthdaywish #wishescometrue #nationwideisonyourside