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Shine A Light

To quote the band Banners, “Light will lead the way, will set you free.”

Today I just got a bit of light back in my life ✨

I met with my doctor and she has agreed to be primary care physician and to continue monitoring my condition. She was the same doctor who looked at my ECG that the practice manager I saw previously scoffed at, and said “you need to go to hospital—today”.

She won my heart just a little more when I told her the hospital was struggling to get me booked in for a CT scan so one of the doctors started suggesting my problems might be mental… she gave the biggest eye roll, they almost did a 360.

So, Doctor Sarah, this light is for you from this grateful patient, whose shook faith in humanity you have helped to begin restore.

May there be many more like you—our community sorely needs it ❤️‍🩹

#Hope #WhereHopeGrows #HeartConditions #HeartCondition #Arrhythmia #PatientAndDoctorExperiences #MightyMoment #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigue

Most common user reactions 2 reactions

Intercostal strain / Fibro

This past week I have managed to strain both sides of my intercostal ( ribs ) muscles and let me tell you how painful it is. I can’t move certain ways, sometimes breathing brings on a sharp pain, and if I sit or lay in a certain position it is excruciating and it also makes the muscle spasm. Has anyone else evoerienced this? I also have Lupus and MS among other things, but this apparently is due to Fibro? #Fibromyalgia #Lupus #MultipleSclerosis #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #PeripheralNeuropathy #HeartConditions #HashimotosThyroiditis #ChronicIllness

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Tomorrow is #goredforwomen

Tomorrow is National Wear Red Day for Women’s Heart Health.

According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the number one killer of women. In fact, heart disease kills more women than all forms of cancer combined.

Tomorrow is an important day to me as I was born with congenital heart defect called Transposition of the Great arteries (TGA) and heart disease runs in my family. In late August 2019 I had my third open heart surgery that helped save my life. However, with most CHDs it will not be my last. Which is why it is so important to raise awareness around heart disease and related illnesses.

It’s important to know the different signs of a heart attack for women. Women may feel shortness of breath, cold sweats, unusual fatigue, or pain or numbness in one or both arms, nausea or indigestion, and pain in upper back area. Knowing your body and the signs might just save your life.

Keep your heart healthy and go red for women tomorrow ❤️❤️❤️ #CongenitalHeartDefectDisease #AmericanHeartAssociation #HeartConditions #CardiovascularDisease #Disability #InvisibleIllness #ChronicIllness

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Food and Nutrition: Heart-Healthy Foods

It's vital to keep your blood glucose levels within the desired range to avoid heart issues. Making heart-healthy food choices can help you do this.

A heart-healthy diet lowers your risk of developing heart disease due to a reduction of high blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and fasting blood sugar. These foods might also have high levels of antioxidants, which protect against inflammation and oxidative stress, which are factors contributing to heart disease.

Heart-healthy foods are:

🫀 low in sodium
🫀 low in cholesterol
🫀 high in fiber
🫀 low in saturated fats
🫀 free of trans fats
🫀 high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals

Examples of these foods include:

❤️ Leafy greens
❤️ Cold-water fish
❤️ Nuts
❤️ Olive oil
❤️ Oats and whole grains
❤️ Avocado
❤️ Non-starchy vegetables
❤️ Beans
❤️ Herbs and spices

It's recommended that you work with a registered dietitian or diabetes specialist on a custom diet based on your health goals.

American Heart Association
American Diabetes Association

#DiabetesType2 #Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #prediabetes #ChronicIllness #HeartConditions #HeartCondition #Lifestyle #WholeFoods #Food

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Quick Tip Thursday: Managing Diabetes Also Protects Your Heart

The same healthy habits that help you manage diabetes like eating healthy foods, quitting smoking, exercising regularly, and managing stress also helps you protect your heart by regulating your blood pressure and cholesterol.

#DiabetesType2 #Diabetes #prediabetes #DiabetesType1 #ChronicIllness #HeartHealth #HeartConditions #Lifestyle #diabetesmanagement

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Defeated! Disappointed & Now Dangerous! #BipolarDisorder #Mania #MixedState #RapidCyclingBipolar #Epilepsy #HeartConditions #help

Reached the stage I have been desperately trying not to😔. For the first time in my life I have actually asked for help, and accepted I need it.
Another 1st for me I am begging for medication. This alone should be a major red flag on its own.
Yes I understand my situation is very difficult and complex and requires careful steps to be taken.
But doing nothing and leaving me hanging is surely a recipe for disaster.
Considering my medical record displays a large Bold Print Red in Colour Title of CAUTION above my name and details, I am considered unstable and a potentially high risk to society. Current events are hard to understand!
If I have ever failed to respond to services, missed an appointment, failed to collect medication etc Which I must admit is basically all the time. I really am my own worst enemy and a difficult patient.
Even after 24hrs AWOL n usually totally unnecessary services normally appoint armed response services to locate me. Ruins Lifes!
However now when I am begging for help and in an emergency situation. No support with my husband n prison, no other family or friends to help. Those I have r n hospital, sick, or in anutha country right now. I am becoming a risk to my son. Unmedicated and physically incapable. No1 will help.
I have called my new mental health team, crisis teams, GPs, consultants and the most helpful information I have been given was to call a family member to come help. Even after stipulating I have no 1 to help me. I have been told some1 would call back however they offices closed hours ago.
My impulsive thoughts are deafening. N my empty room is becoming increasingly crowded and noisy with people I have learned to understand are not real but in my head. tonight though there bothering me. 😔.
Starting to believe my thoughts, I think the only way out now is giving into the darkness and let Luci handle things from here. Shes ready but weneva shes been in charge b4 life has been destroyed and bad things happen.
Put your bets in peepo!
Psychological Emergency, Massive Heart Attack or anutha seizure! Maybe if am lucky all 3!

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Wellness Wednesday: Diabetes and Heart Health

Diabetes may damage both your blood vessels and your nerves controlling your heart and blood vessels, which can lead to heart disease.

Heart disease is more likely to develop in people with diabetes than in people without diabetes. People with diabetes are twice as likely to have heart disease or stroke than those without diabetes.

A person with diabetes is more likely to develop heart disease or a stroke, depending on a variety of other factors:

🫀 Smoking

🫀 High blood pressure

🫀 Abnormal cholesterol levels

🫀 Obesity and belly fat

🫀 Chronic kidney disease

🫀 Family history of heart disease

According to Hopkins Medical in the United States, you can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke by making the following lifestyle adjustments:

✅ Setting an appropriate HbA1C goal with your healthcare provider and working toward that goal

✅ Eating a healthy, balanced diet

✅ Exercise

✅ Setting a healthy weight goal

✅ Controlling your blood pressure

✅ Improving your cholesterol

✅ Quit smoking

#DiabetesType2 #Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #prediabetes #ChronicIllness #HeartHealth #HeartConditions #CardiovascularDisease #Lifestyle #Stroke

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Talk About It Tuesday: Heart Health & Diabetes

This week, we’re talking about heart health and diabetes.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), a person with diabetes is more likely to develop heart disease, and high blood pressure or high cholesterol are risk factors that increase their chances of having a heart attack or stroke.

Have you been diagnosed with heart issues in addition to your diabetes or prediabetes diagnosis?

Drop an emoji and share your condition (if you like) in the comments:

👍 - yes
👎- no

#DiabetesType2 #Diabetes #DiabetesType1 #prediabetes #HeartHealth #HeartConditions #HeartCondition #CardiovascularDisease

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What do you wish you would’ve known when you were first diagnosed with RA?

RA, like a lot of other chronic conditions, comes with its own set of lessons, rules and learning curves. Read on for one Mighty contributor’s deep-dive, six years after his diagnosis.


Which one can you relate to most? #11 really spoke to me.

#ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #RheumatoidArthritis #Stroke #HeartConditions #BrainFog

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Stress Test #adultchdwarriors

This past week I did my first Stress test since my last open heart surgery. I feel like I did pretty well but I have to say, I really hate doing these! I’m not sure how many of you other CHD’ers have had to do these but I now have to do them I believe every year and I hate them. They are a sensory nightmare.
Have you ever done a stress test? How do you feel about stress tests?

#StressTest #CongenitalHeartDefectDisease #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #HeartConditions #CardiovascularDisease