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I dont care anymore!

I dont care about anything anymore and its been that way for a while now! Anybody can say they dont care but for me its really bad! I dont care to ever have a license, a job, my own apartment or house, or anything for that matter! The only money i get now is from my birthday or christmas, and i try to make it last the whole year! Im 27 years old, and i did have 3 jobs at one point after high school but they didnt last long! Thats another story though! As of right now i just dont care anymore and i dont know if i ever will! I dont understand the point of living or what life is all about, to me its just useless! I honestly dont see this changing and if i do its not for a long time! Im ok with it but others arent! My parents arent going to be around forever and i know this but its hard for me to even attempt to care about my situation! I just dont care!
#MentalHealth #Depression #idontcare #Lifesucks

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I don't care!

We've all done it, decided we didn't want to take our meds and stopped. Those times typically end with me being ashamed of myself. So I don't care, I will take my meds! #idontcare #NotAshamed #medsarelife #EndTheStigma