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Hi all!
I’m new here, I’m 28 and newly diagnosed with ET (about 2 months now, if that). Im JAK2 positive and so far my platelet count is relatively low (around 700) so I’m only taking aspirin, but I have had high white cell counts previously.
I don’t have a great support team at the hospital and my GP dosent work weekends, because NHS.

But I have an urgent question I am hoping the mighty community might be able to help me with. We have a 6 year old in the house who woke up spotty… it’s the pox, without a doubt. She’s all over me like a… well chicken pox rash usually, so I’m not a low risk household member.

I had chicken pox at her age, I remember my grandmother trying to scrub the spots off me!

But do I need to get myself the shingles vaccination? IG? Do I need to be contacting my haematologist or GP for antivirals just incase? How worried should I be about my immune system? Or am I totally overthinking this?

Pic of my sisters gato for tax!
#immunity #chickenpox