During this time of staying home has made me feel useless, I am a PSW on parental leave....however; I should have returned to work today. I am unable to return because of the Covid...not too many clients want to be helped at this time and other PSWs are only working half days. Apparently, Im not needed. What feels worst is my boyfriend has decided not to allow my grandson and I go with him shopping anymore. The reason is because my 16 month old screams, randomly when he is frustrated or can't get his way. It's part of his development, so I've been managing it as https://well.as I can. We were in a store picking a new lamp, because the baby screamed a few times while we were trying to pick a lamp, my boyfriend started walking away. Basically he doesn't want us to go with him anywhere anymore, because as he said "can't do anything with a screaming kid." He was stressed out. Apparently he had a terrible day. I honestly think maybe might be time to move on...but I have no place to go. I really need to reevaluate my life and situation and figure out whats best for me and my grandson. #unforseenfuture #thinkhard #justdontknowrightnow