Learning disabilities (LDs) are neurological impairments that affect one’s ability to learn, socialize and navigate other areas of life. Learning disabilities can be complex and hard to explain, but most people with learning disabilities experience frustration with not only learning but with other “simple” things as well. Needless to say, many people with learning disabilities have a love/hate relationship with their condition.
I have compiled the following list of memes and GIFs to illustrate life with a learning disability. I compiled these to not only help myself and others explain their LD to others, but to spread awareness through the universal language of memes.
1. When you don’t get sarcasm but pretend laugh to cover it up
2. When someone explains something to you a million times and you still don’t get it
3. When you’re so lost, you don’t know what the objective is
4. The almost daily bullying from peers and teachers
5. When the mainstream is too into “norms” to accommodate you
6. When accommodations (unfortunately) get denied
7. The days when your LD is just kicking your butt
8. The ignorance of teachers
9. When you achieve the little (and the big) things
10. When you advocate for yourself and for acceptance of LDs