Outlets#CPTSD #TBI #longtermdisabiloty
I went dancing tonight.An activity I adored before becoming a mother and spouse. Im trying to come down after a day of wonderful things.I figured writing might help me regulate.My son and I were celebrating a small accomplishment.I entered an ART show and the judging had some outside influence.I do not know how to take it,to be honest.Am I receiving this on my merit or because of the impression they have been given, my story,so to say.it is a series extremely personal and knew to express for me.True Authenticity, the same mask at every turn is my goal.Exposing myself, scariest and most exciting thing in my life.I am grateful,if he only knew.I am still in it, coping,learning to navigate my frustration, my lack of, executive function due to hypo insomnia,that is caused by inflammation and vascular pressure from a cerebral avm.it isn't something I do, whip around and exert,unless hypoadrenal state kicks in, but tonight,all good feelings.
Im physically hearing it now,thrombing and pressure,numbness in my fingers and my eye has been twitching all evening.All worth it,all of it.Im grateful and hopeful.I want more and I deserve it.I have steps but they get lost between "them".I felt alive today. Humor and lifes reflection.it was funny and had puposefully let me let it go.It felt needed.Harmless.I won't forget.I like moving again and my body needed it.