Didn't have anywhere else to go. #Grief #lossofapet
I suffer from a fear of people, even typing this is scary. But I'm all alone and don't trust anyone. I feel like I can post here though, even if I'm not making sense.
I lost my dog in May. I had him for 12.5 years. He was my everything, my world, my purpose. He's also the first loss I've had to endure. People have died around me, but they ment nothing to me. My dog though, ☹️. I don't know how to mourn. It just hurts. It's been over a month since I lost him and I hear that I should be over it by now. I ... how can you be "over" losing someone that meant so much to you so quickly? I see him everywhere, I feel him still, I can hear his tags when he shook or scratched, I can hear his yipping as he slept. How does one #Mourn ? I know everyone #Grief or #Mourn differently but I'm at a loss, I get flashbacks of him in the vet's office that dreadful day. Just ... I don't know. I just needed to say something. I'm going crazy having no where to express. If you made it this far, thank you.