6 New Year's Resolutions to Fulfill Your Soul
Instead of the same old list of what not to do, how about filling up your soul and caring for you! Here are some suggestions to be a better and more fulfilled you in the new year.
1. Volunteer
What is your passion? Animals, kids, the earth, the elderly? Can you be a CASA or a foster parent? Can you visit a nursing home at a holiday? Do you have more time than money? Nonprofits still need you! They need help doing events, running social media, and helping in the back office. What are your strengths and talents? How can they carry over to help a nonprofit?
2. Join a book club
What subjects interest you? Science, the stars, fiction, history? What subject would you want to know more about? Expand your mind and your knowledge which may lead to feeling smarter, stronger, and finding new people that have a similar interest as you. Or take a reading challenge.
3. Have lunch with a friend, face to face
Texting often doesn’t convey full emotion and feeling, and is often more complex than a statement or emoji can show. Texting isn’t always fulfilling to our hearts. Meet those special people in your life in person! Resolve to meet once a month, or as often as your time and health allow. Hug them tight — humans need physical touch!
4. Recycle — the earth needs you
Is your recycling bin fuller than your garbage? Have you read your city recycling policy? What else can you recycle that you’ve forgotten about? What about your city’s water policy? Is your water clean? Are there things you put down your sink that you shouldn’t?
5. Be inclusive — make new friends
Is there someone in your life that you have met several times now, but still don’t know? Invite them to coffee. They are in your life for a reason — reach out! Who do you know or see that is in the margins? Can you do little things (including smiling and greetings!) to make them feel more welcome and included? A smile and a friend can change your world!
6. Find yourself. Care for yourself
Fill up your own cup so you have something to give to others. Make space for small moments of quiet. Though you may need to get up and make breakfast, can you go back to your bed and drink your coffee in bed? Perhaps you can sleep 10 extra minutes? Can you get up 15 minutes early and have a quiet moment before the chaos begins? Can you order food to be delivered twice a month, giving you a planned night off? Can you plan for a date night — even in your own backyard — to reconnect with your loved one? Have you had a pedicure or massage lately? Be kind to yourself; when you look in the mirror, smile back at that beautiful person!
Take some small moments to care for yourself so you can give back to others. Make this year about connecting and letting others in, letting them help you find yourself and your passions.