My fibro fog is always acting up. I do the silliest things. 🤔🤯🙄😧To help me remember: I have a calendar the size of a notebook and my notebook for random thoughts I call them my brain. You see my list. At the top it says potatoes. Which means I need to big up potatoes for our Cafe’. Then I look at the word Duck. Have no clue why I wrote duck. text my husband told him duck was on my notes but I didn’t know what that meant 🤔🤓😆 he said that it stands for the pool duck that has chlorine tablets I was suppose to ask my daughter to put more chlorine tablets in the pool 😂🤣😆 it’s a damn shame when YOU write yourself a note or reminder in your notebook, and then you need a translator to understand WTH I EVEN WROTE 😁😆🤣😂🥰🤪😄🤯🤔😀😄😃😆

#mommahulkvs bipolar