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Growing isn’t always pretty. Do it anyway. #lfharm # #xiety # #ntalHealth # #SD # #polarDisorder # #PanicDisorder

In my own journey of personal growth I have discovered quite a bit how easily it can be to try and fit yourself in someone else’s path.
The root of comparison in my opinion is a lack of seeing your own value and in the master of seeing myself the size of a bean compared to this big, big world.
Being influenced by others doesn’t necessarily mean it’s always a bad thing, but staying on our own path creates so much more opportunity for ourselves in figuring out.
We’ve all been given this life, who we we are at our core, and our unique stories, to be different and to set ourselves apart from the “normal” in the world; which can become so defeaning to us.
We deserve to own who we are and the reasons why we truly feel the way we do without justifying it because someone else did it too.
Break your own path, make some noise, and put on the shoes that fit you.
Gods got you. When will we rest assured in those words?? All we have to do is move forward. Mentally, spiritually, and physically. ❤️



Does anyone use bulimia/ throwing up as a form of self-harm and not necessarily with the aim to have a ,better‘ body shape? If yes, what disease do you have? #tingDisorders # #lfharm # #ntalHealth # #ntalIllness # #BPD