Every freaking time I post something or comment on a post I get bombarded with chat requests from MEN.

Look, guys, I am NOT INTERESTED in private chats, especially with men. I am 60 years old, happily married, and NOT looking for any kind of long distance relationship (not even platonic friendship) with anyone, male or otherwise.

I have many problems, some I have more-or-less overcome and some I’m very much still working on. But I have to avoid posting because there are apparently quite a few men who have joined The Mighty to prey on vulnerable women! I am so angry over this! I want some way to report them! I want everyone to be blocked from requesting private chats (except with moderators) until they are actually contributing members of the community. I want to be able to look up these people’s profiles to see who they are before I decline a chat request, just on the chance that they’re genuine. Meanwhile I’m just ticked off and will keep declining.

And men—any chat requests I get after THIS post, I won’t just decline. I will report.