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I reached out to my old optometrist 2 days ago

Last night his wife who is also his business partner called cuz she was concerned and he wasn't available to talk. She said I'd get a call from someone today to discuss it. But the person who called was my old doctor (from my birth place). He was very concerned when he found out what I'm dealing with. He's concerned it may be a degenerative disease and I might eventually go blind. He suggested that I should see the neuro-ophthalmologist. He said it's good that I called him. He's my mom and sisters' optometrist. I used to work for him. He went to college with my dad. So he's a good guy to ask for help.

I'm going to call my opthalmologist office on Monday to see if they want me to see the neuro-ophthalmologist instead. I talked to the receptionist at that office about a year ago and she wanted me to have my neurologist office to fax over medical records. I did that this week.

I feel better knowing that he cares about me. I told him about how I've been focusing on mental health and my chronic back pain. He was empathetic and kind.#opthalmology #DoubleVision

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Opthalmology appointment tomorrow...what to expect?

I have IIH and had some field vision and eye tests for my papilodema. I have a consultant appointment tomorrow. Any idea what I'm to expect? #IIH #opthalmology #vison #eyepain #papilodema


Eye Clinic Query (Pin Hole Test)

Anybody had a pin hole eye test (holding a occular device and trying to focus eye through pin holes?) Anyone found it more blurry? What does it mean? #IIH #opthalmology #EYETEST