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State of Unbelief… #FND ? #nowayihavethat !

Hi! 😃💜💜
I’m new to the group!

Hope all of you are having a good day today! 😊💟

As the title states… I did NOT believe it when I received the #FNDdiagnosis !

I’m still having trouble grasping my neuros assessment of all my conditions & symptoms!….

Since I’ve been dealing with ALL my NEURO health issues since 2013 & she just met me last year!

— Can’t stand narrow minded tunnel vision non proactive & non helpful doctors! — #timetochangeneuros

Anybody else try to “forget” all their diagnosis ON THE DAILY??!!
— because it’s just too overwhelming & creates anxiety?

I try most days to push myself beyond the EXTREME pain & numerous symptoms & focus on ANYTHING ELSE to take my mind off my daily struggles & I’m sure you ALL do some of the same things!

— That’s it! lol 😜😎🥰

I hope each of you find JOY in your lives DAILY!😁😘

#HEDS #POTS #IIH #RheumatoidArthritis #DevicsDisease #wheelchairbound4x #OpticNeuritis #DoubleVision
#gastreoparesisSUCKS !! #PituitaryTumor #Diabetes #HBP #Asthma #COPD
#Anxiety #Depression #NeurogenicBladder #chronicUTIS #KidneyStones #toomanypillstotake !
#toomanydiagnosis !


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Art Process

The theme for February's Mighty Art Room is process, so i thought I'd show something that is taken photos of at the time. It's quite old, but generally the way i most paint. From sketch to finished piece. This is one of the Fairy Godfather, which is my original character that I've written many books about and hope to publish one day when the health and pain stars align! This is a painting done digitally over a pencil sketch. I use a program called Painter which is very much like painting in real life, just less messy! 😅 I'm not very good with layers and things so yeah, but somehow it gets done.

Well off to finish chores so i can enjoy the olympics tonight! Yay! i hope everyone has as good a weekend as possible! #ChronicMigraineSyndrome #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Art #ArtTherapy #AnkylosingSpondylitis #SpinalStenosis #DoubleVision #cps #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #sciatica #nervepain #BipolarDepression #Asthma #Anxiety


Anyone ever been to a Neurological Opthamologist? #DoubleVision #blurryvision #ChronicHeadaches

So up until about a year ago my vision has been perfect. Slowly and gradually it starting getting worse. I’ve seen an Optometrist and Opthomologist. Both says my eyes are healthy and glasses will not improve anything. So now I have been referred to a Neurological Opthamologist.

Anyone relate or could tell me your stories?

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A cheerful hello from inside the West Coast wildfire smoke!

Hello, you extraordinary humans. Yes, you! Thank you for bringing this community your candor, truths, trust, kindness, generosity, support, and humor. You make a difference (yes, you!).

I found this community of truly beautiful people (yes, you!) through Sarah Ramey’s remarkable memoir, cheekily titled The Lady’s Handbook for Her Mysterious Illness. I could write a dissertation about it, with love in every sentence. Have you read it?

So, hello from the US West Coast, from under a thick layer of toxic wildfire smoke. I took this two days ago when the air was better. Look at the beautiful, subdued amber sunlight! So gross. And please enjoy my lovely accessories! N-95 mask for the smoke particulate, tactical glasses, work gloves (they go straight in the wash). And my Pandemic Bangs, which I foolishly cut myself. I never learn. I’m considering cutting the rest of my hair, too. What could go wrong? (Don’t answer that.)

#ChronicIllness #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #TraumaticBrainInjury #Disability #Insomnia #HighlysensitivePerson #MightyBookClub #COVID19 #MysteriousIllness #DoubleVision #SeverelyDryEyes #PTSD #PandemicHair