25 Brilliant Pieces of Non-Medical Advice We've Heard From Doctors
We expect our doctors to give us medical advice. But sometimes, detailed instructions, big words we don’t know, science talk and “Look! I went to medical school!” language is the last thing you need when facing a diagnosis. If you’re lucky, your doctor understands this.
We polled our Facebook followers for their favorite pieces of non-medical advice their doctors have given them. Turns out, a lot of doctors really do get it. Take a look:
1. “Just enjoy him!”

2. “Treat her like a child. Love her, let her play, enjoy and let her enjoy childhood.”

3. “Submerge yourself in a peer group.”

4. “Stop comparing him to others. He’ll get there in his own time.”

5. “Therapy is a big help, but you gotta have a life, too.”

6. “Don’t look this up on Google.”

7. “Enjoy a glass of wine with your husband. Go on dates, too.”

8. “When traveling at night, we can only see as far as our headlights shine. But if we focus on that bit of road ahead without looking into the dark beyond, we can cross the whole country.”

9. “She is not her diagnosis.”

10. “Don’t ever apologize for standing up for her. You know her needs better than anyone else. Trust your instincts.”

11. “A good dog solves a lot.”

12. “Just let the diagnosis be part of the fabric of your lives, not the focus.”

13. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Mom.”

14. “Take a trip to Hawaii.”

15. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

16. “Whatever happens, she’s your little girl and she has a mum and dad who love her unconditionally. That’s more important than anything else.”

17. “What you do every day for your child is much more important than anything I could ever do in my career as a doctor.”

18. “Don’t put him in so much therapy that he doesn’t have time to just be a kid.”

19. “Let your son tell his story.”

20. “Take up tennis and swear every time you hit the net.”

21. “Remember to take care of each other, too.”

22. “If you treat her special, she will be. Treat her the way you treat your other children.”

23. “Jacob, some days you just have to look at all of us doctors and tell us to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine and walk out the door and go play hard. And we doctors just need to say, ‘Go get ’em kid. See you tomorrow.’”

24. “Keep doing what you’re doing.”

25. “Put the books away. Love your baby!”

Has your doctor shared a piece of non-medical advice that resonated with you? Tell us in the comments.
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