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When a Disney Castle Guard Knew How to Help My Son Having Sensory Issues

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It had been a long day. We were on our Wish Trip to the Magic Kingdom. My daughter was the royal rock star. Everywhere we went, the cast saw our Give The Kids The World Village pass hanging on my little one’s wheelchair. What that meant was that we were often bumped first for activities and rides, and every staff member who saw the badge stopped to make sure we had everything we needed. My daughter was enjoying the attention and basking in being number one.

But one family member wasn’t having as much fun at the “happiest place on earth.” For my son, the sensory issues were a lot. He repeated many times that he needed breaks. We listened and gave him quiet times. But then my daughter would demand to see another princess. We were juggling and trying to make everyone happy at once. 

Our last visit for the day was to see Anna and Elsa. My daughter was determined to see every princess. We were led into the line and were asked to wait. At this point, my son was tired. He was really done for the day. He started to fuss a bit, and the smile had left him. My husband was getting ready to take him back out and help him rebalance when a castle guard saw us. 

“Hello, young knight!” He cheerfully came up to my son and greeted him at eye level. “Have you been out slaying dragons?” My son’s frown slowly tilted upward. He then informed the castle guard that he was tired and ready to go home. “Go home?” the guard said? “I think that should be your next destination, but first do you want to play a fun game?”

Well that was about all it took. The castle guard leaned over and began whispering into my son’s ear. My son was now smiling from ear to ear and was all wiggles. The guard dramatically led him to some curtains on the set and “hid” him. By now, my son was giggling and everyone was smiling.

When it was our turn, the guard turned to Anna and announced that he had lost part of our party. They searched the set, and my son jumped out from behind the curtains and “scared” Anna and Elsa. They really hammed it up. He was loving it. They also made sure he was the star this time around, which made for the happy smile you see.

Amy's son smiling
Amy’s son smiling

Sometimes it’s hard. Both of my children have needs and I often get pulled in two directions. But the castle guard, Anna and Elsa saw what my son needed and respond quickly. What could have ended up in a meltdown ended up on a high note. 

We left the park in a great mood, and our trip continued. The castle guard may never know how much that meant to our son and our family, but I will never forget how they went the extra mile for us.

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Originally published: January 10, 2016
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