It's my first time posting on this website and honestly I'm scared, but i know that I will not do it, I might end with doing something bad. Today, for different works, the bus I take to go to school got delayed and came an hour later than my school opening because of some work they had to do and are still doing (they didn't talk about it on the tv so it was a surprise - I stayed still outside on the cold at 7 AM till 8:30 AM) as my mother knew she called me to tell me that i'm a failure and that I was gonna fail this year and this time I had no excuses because of I did choose school and consequently she was gonna beat me up and take the phone from me once I reached home.
I'm now home and my friend who's in another city suggested me to call a suicide hotline or a help hotline but i'm scared because maybe i'm overreacting since they always tell me I do. I tend to hide a lot of things from them such as me coming out because they despise homosexuality and the idea of me moving out mads them out, they want me to become a doctor and marry and live well, so am I overreacting or are they looking for my future?
#firsttimeposting #Depression #suicidehotline #suicidehotline #Suicide #overracting