My whole life, well, okay, like 75% of it, I believed we were a wonderful nation filled with opportunities and livelihoods and hope and the promise of new horizons.
Then, 9/11.
It broke those rose colored glasses.
It did not just break them, it disintegrated them.
I learned a lot from that horrendous act and the years to come.
Mainly. America sucks.
3 years ago, my daughter was in 4th grade.
9 year old girl. She should be happy, having the time of her life. Playing on the school yard, laughing with her friends. Getting scraped knees and bruises.
I get a call from my daughter, at school. "Mommy, can you come get me?" At this point I have her brother in the car so I just pick her up. She was scared. I mean tears streaming down her face, can't breathe, full panic attack scared. 9 years old.
"Mommy, is it true? Are we all going to die in a nuclear war? Is North Korea going to blow us up!? What about our dogs!? Will they die too!? What about my friends?! Mommy!! I don't want to die!! I don't want to blow up!"
Now I have 2 kids screaming and crying while I am working a stick shift. I pull over and talk them both down.
What the...
Apparently the whole NK v US yeah, my daughter heard about that from her friends, at school!!!!
A friggin 9 year old girl has a huge existential crisis because our "president" cannot make
The last 24 hours have been interesting. Had to get my dad to the hospital for complications due to a bug. Virus, bacteria, I don't know. But he is sick, and on chemo so that's bad.
Oh and our president has started a civil war...
Well, basically.
4 are now dead. 52 arrested. And all because he thinks, thinks not knows,, thinks not proven, has no proof,, has zero, ZERO, NADA, ZILTCH IT DOES NOT EXIST, zero proof, that he was "robbed" of his presidency.
I'm sorry. I did not vote for him the first time and he lost the popular vote by 3 million. He lost.
He LOST. So now, because he LOST, to make sure he wins, we are going to resort to the same middle eastern tactics that we, in the 1980's and 90's would stick our army in the middle of and say NO NO, BAD JUJU, STOP THAT, BE A DEMOCRACY!!!! NOW we are terrorizing the politicians that hold power over this and saying "do it our way or else" WHY!?
Because Americans believe whatever that monstrosity of a president says.
Not all of them. Not me. But a lot of them. Too many of them.
I am sick of it. I am tired of it. I want it to stop.
How can anyone in this country evolve as humans and make this planet better with his influence still mixing bad into the pot!?
And now, in the last 15 days of his presidency they want to impeach him, evict him from the white house...
Too little.
Too late.
This country.
We used to be beautiful...
Now we hide in the mud, beg for scraps from those above us, when they throw manure we call it gold...
We have sunk, so very far. #Depression #Anxiety #existentialcrisis #patriotdisillusioned