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over overwhelmed

I'm. so. over. whelmed. I cannot deal with this anymore. I just want it to stop. I can't handle my body being this tense anymore. I just want it to all stop. #anxietysucks #PleaseStop #justwanttofeelbetter


#Fybromyalgiapain #PleaseStop

Woke up feeling ok... then suddenly leg swells, skin starts to sting and turn red. Then the tightening. The painful sunburnt skinsuit is back. I want to cry but I know if I do it will hurt. My hair hurts. Who would have thought that having hair would pain? years running your cheeks when you just can't take it anymore, sting. Then there's the tingling that feels like hundreds of ants with tiny razors on their feet running across your have to touch it to stop the sensation, and when you do, it stings, it burns, it causes pain. There is no warning most times for my flare ups. It just happens. suddenly, anywhere... and I'm left in a panic trying to ease as much of my symptoms as I can https://to.get back home. I tell myself, "You're ok,just get home." WHAT KIND OF LIFE IS THIS?? I keep asking what I did in my life to deserve a life time if pain and suffering?? I just .... I don't understand.....


Feeling pain from every Direction #NotOK

This past week I’ve been feeling like everyone has been attacking me. It always feel like I’m being stabbed. There was this guy that I was talking to about three weeks ago that got really mad at me and blocked me on social media and I saw him at my campground because we were doing a Halloween weekend and we were scaring people and him and his friends were talking and I just had to hear them talking about how I should jump of a Cliff and how I should kill my self and not come back to camp because I was a little b****that didn’t give him what he wanted. All he wanted was sex and I said No. I heard him say that so I just had to leave. And I was being yelled at all weekend by almost everyone I know. Why do I make everyone so mad at me. I do t know what to do to stop it. #Depression #SocialAnxiety #PleaseStop