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Does anyone overpronate/have flat feet?

I recently started wearing insoles in my shoes for my overpronation. They work well the problem is I dont wear my shoes most of the day as I work in peoples homes as a home health nurse. Does anyone have any recommendations for hard sole slippers I could put shoe inserts in so I can wear them all day and night to make them more effective? #Podiatry #Flatfeet #Overpronation #kneepainchronic #gaitproblems #orthotics


What is wrong with this second MTP joint? 2ndmtpjoint.home.blog #Plantarplate #Podiatry #Mtpjoint #mtpj #Foot #Balloffoot #Sprain #Tear #Metatarsalgia

Here is the story:

Metatarsalgia, a torn plantar plate, pain in the ball of foot at the second MTP joint. This all started when I decided to run the New York City Marathon 2002. I trained and ran a lot of half marathons and then did end up running the New York City Marathon and crossed the finish line. I enjoyed my running days. I continued to run and in 2007 I started to feel pain in the ball of my foot. I got orthotics and that helped for about a year and then in 2009 I started running again and the pain returned. In 2009 because I couldn’t get the pain resolved by conservative methods I op