Does Anyone Else Name Their Migraines Too??? #Migraine #Prodroms
Does anyone else have Prodroms that indicate the potential severity of the oncoming #Migraine Attack? If my prodrom is a very specific food craving I call it a "Craver Migraine" and it's one of my worst types. If I'm having insatiable hunger, like I eat and eat and eat and I'm still hungry, that's a "Hunger Migraine" and I'm in for an even worse attack than a craver. Tinnitus, random "Ear Worm" song I haven't heard in years but it's stuck in my head out of nowhere, and a "Yawner" prodrom is a mid level and means I can probably break it with what I have. The "Blinding" aka Aura or Occular Migraine depends on what percentage of vision loss occurs as to how severe it will be, 10-20% vision loss I can manage, 30-50% loss I'm looking at imatrex, 60-90% may mean ER level. If I have a combo of Prodroms, like Hunger and Craver together I'm definitely in trouble. Does anyone else name their migraines? Is this just a weird quirk only I do? Lol, I AM weird so no worries if you comment and say I'm weird. ^_^
My migraines have been 24/7, non stop for almost 18 years, that's literally more that 50% of my life (17yo-35yo), and because I've never known a moment without Migraine, abortive meds like Imatrex only help the symptoms like nausea, photophobia, sound sensitivity and smell sensitivity, but doesn't actually affect the Migraine itself or prevent them. Comment and let me know if you name your migraines too.
#Migraine #ChronicPain #Prodroms