We stayed home and adhered to very strict COVID-19 safety protocols for over a year. Half of our household, most of our extended family and close friends are now fully vaccinated. America is open for business and play, and our mental health needs it.
As a parent of a child with multiple risk factors, including an immunodeficiency, it often feels that every choice is wrong.
Sometimes quality of life is just as important as life itself.
We will not be reckless. We hope others around us will not be reckless either.
We still wear our masks when appropriate and will get the rest of the family vaccinated when they are able to. We won’t be going to every social event or activity, but we will be resuming certain things such as summer camp and in-person school.
There are those that judge us — and we are taking a risk — but, we are making calculated risks based on quality of life.
When you parent a child with an unknown future (which when you think about it, isn’t that every child?) it can mean making hard choices. I want my child to be happy and enjoy doing the things kids do.
I realize our choices are not right for every family, but we will continue to do what is right for us and I hope you do what is right for you.
This is your permission … permission to make the hard decisions … permission to make the wrong decisions … permission to put quality of life as high as life itself.
Photos submitted by contributor.