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Got bad news today

I got a letter from my insurance. As of May 18th my therapist will not be covered by my insurance. I've been working with him for roughly 7 years. We do 2 sessions each week. We've been making progress but currently we're focusing on my depression from the adjustment disorder. I'm really upset.

#MentalHealth #schizo #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder

Most common user reactionsMost common user reactionsMost common user reactions 22 reactions 6 comments

Panic #schizo affective #panic disorder

The Icey grip of a harsh reality
Your soups getting cold
Your cigarette is still burning
While you wait for the anxiety to let go
The flutter in your chest
The sweat on your brow
Grit your teeth
It goes away
At least for a while
Don't let them see
Perceived weakness
Accept the pressure
Accept the pain
You cannot ignore what keeps coming back again


The war in my head

It tells me...
Your worthless
Always failing
Good at nothing
Not good Enough
Just die, it would help everybody out
Humanity is better off without you
You fail at everything
You can't cope
They're all against you
I hate there meds
Now what?
Please somebody say something
Sometimes it seems like my head is trying to kill me
It's getting harder and harder to cover up
Stop giving me your pain
Perhaps I suffer so you don't have to #schizo affective