Browsing Instacart
I'm gonna place my order for groceries tomorrow for delivery on Monday. It's supposed to snow all day tomorrow. It snowed just enough today to be a nuisance and force me to have to cancel my date. I'm gonna get some fancy fish and other really yummy treats.
I gotta try to spend my food stamps wisely. I'm trying to find food that pauley and I can both eat together. She actually encouraged me to get things for myself so I ordered a few little things. One thing I ordered for myself is a frozen family size Stouffer's meatloaf. I've been craving it for a while. I enjoy using it for sandwiches. I figured it would last a long time so I don't need much for lunch food.
I'm also getting a jar of peach mango salsa. Pauley has never had salsa and she hates tomato... But when I told her about the salsa, she said she'd be interested in trying it cuz it sounds really good. I really love it. I only get it maybe once each year. It's a special treat. I'm also getting single serve cups of guacamole cuz I'm getting pork carnitas again. I'm gonna make epic pork burritos next week. I'm actually really excited about it. I know it's silly.
Tomorrow @pauleyholm and I are gonna try to have a romantic at home date. We're gonna have a tea party. I'm gonna make her some cinnamon tea and for myself I'll make some roasted pumpkin caramel rooibos tea. I was gonna make sandwiches but I just thought of doing French toast instead and she said she likes that idea better.
We had a good deep heart to heart about how much I need to get out even just once per month. I want to go to a coffee shop called Biggby. They make some amazing coffee and their bagel sandwich is superb. I would love to bring my sketchbook or a journal and my pens and my headphones and just drink coffee and be happy. It's what I need to recharge.
My mental health has been kinda poor for a few months. I've been gaining weight. I'm almost at 240 now. I need to be more active. I think maybe I should find a local mall and do some walking. I can treat myself with coffee. That's a good idea.
#Relationships #foodieadventures #Depression #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #SchizoaffectiveDisorder #PostTraumaticStressDisorder