A little story of my own #Anxiety #panic #Fear #AutismSpectrumDisorder
I once went to a baseball game with a community group I go to, called “ bridge the gap “ a group for teens and young adults with autism.
At that baseball game, our lives were on the line. Because we were sitting in the front row and there was no net, absolutely no net, and we had t be aware of all the foul balls coming at us, otherwise, we could’ve gotten hurt, or even killed.
The whole time I was watching this baseball game, I actually, legitly, 10000% thought I was going to die.
But strange thing is, life didn’t flash before my eyes, strange to me, because they say when you’re about to die, your life flashes before right before your eyes, heck, that’s one of the things I think about when I see character die on tv.
And I really did not want a baseball game to be the day that I die, I wanna die because I’m growing old.